Bluegrass Orthopaedics is proud to acknowledge our latest Comeback Champion - Mrs. Kelli Sorg! Kelli was injured at work in July of 2020. As the Development Director of the Kentucky Equine Adoption Center, she works with horses every day. "One of the perks of working here is that we all tend to bring our dogs to work," remembers Kelli. "On this day, it was a pack of our personal dogs that accidentally pushed me off the porch of our office!"

Unfortunately, this injury caused a fracture on the proximal fifth metatarsal. While the fracture would heal well, the ligaments around the ankle continued to give Kelli trouble. Ultimately, after an MRI showed a full anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL) tear, surgery would be needed to fix the ligament and the instability in the ankle joint. BGO's foot and ankle specialist, Dr. Jason Harrod, utilized a modified Brostrom ATFL repair with an internal brace to stabilize the ankle.
"Over the months of recuperation, PT and surgery, I have been given the best of care and cheered onwards by Dr. Harrod, Mike Wiles, the staff in x-ray and the casting room, the professionals at the Surgery Center, and not least, ALL the staff at the Brannon Crossing PT location. Dave, Brenda, Liz, Mason, Sharon, and my favorite, Eddie, have given me the highest quality of compassionate and challenging care."
"My job is not a typical 9-5 job. I do marketing, business development and public relations for the largest all breed equine rescue in the Commonwealth. At any given time we have 50-55 horses, half of which are thoroughbreds on 72 acres here in Nicholasville. A typical day finds me behind a desk, in a horse barn, in the pasture or leading public tours. I am also certified in Equine-Assisted Learning and personal development that requires long periods of standing in the arena with horses and participants. The staff at BGO took the time to understand my specific physical needs and goals. It wasn't a quick fix, but it was the long-term solution I needed to keep up my active lifestyle and be pain-free!"
BGO proudly serves athletes of all ages, and we are thankful Kelli put her trust in our team. We are excited for Kelli to return to the activities she enjoys!
To learn more about our foot and ankle specialist, Dr. Jason Harrod, click here! Our Brannon Crossing Physical Therapy location, and information about their staff, can be found here!