At the age of 93, Lena had been suffering with pain in her right hip over a year. She noticed the pain mostly when turning over in bed or when going down stairs. Being active and independent the hip was treated conservatively. Her symptoms progressed to where it began affecting her activities of daily living and it was then that she decided to see Bluegrass Orthopaedics' total joint specialist Dr. Denehy to discuss having hip replacement surgery.
On April 6 of 2023, Lena had successful hip replacement surgery. When asked if she was scared heading into her surgery, Lena said, "I approached the surgery without fear. I had my friends from Broadway Baptist Church and the Lexington Senior Center praying for me. I am very appreciative of the exceptional staff and care I received".
Following the surgery Lena completed two weeks of physical therapy where she made remarkable progress in her recovery. At her 6 week follow up appointment with Dr. Denehy, she recalled "He said I had no restrictions and can continue to progress with my activities as tolerated"
"A huge Thank You to all of my friends and the staff who helped me through this process. I feel like I am able to be more active than I have been in a while. I have returned to the Senior Center as a volunteer, providing assistance to the disabled and engaging in various activities. I also have plans for trips to Bronson, Missouri, and the Derby Dinner Playhouse in Indiana."
Congratulations to Lena, and the Bluegrass Orthopaedics family wishes her the best!
To learn more about Bluegrass Orthopaedics' total joint specialist, Dr. Kevin Denehy, click here!