Great Crossing
High School

Morgynn McDaniel,
Morgynn was born and raised in Cynthiana, KY, graduating from Harrison County High School. She attended Eastern Kentucky University where she graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training in 2019. She has worked in several different professional settings but High School Athletics is the most fulfilling setting for her. She is proud to call Great Crossing High School her home. GO WARHAWKS!
Connect With
Your Athletic Trainer
The athletic trainers at Great Crossing high school can be found at different places depending on the time of the day. They arrive at the school at 3:00 PM and can be found in the athletic training room. Treatments will be held immediately after school until practices begin. Once practices begin the athletic trainer will leave a sign on the door disclosing their location, when they will return, and what time they will be leaving the school for the day.
The athletic trainer can be contacted through email, call, or text.
Morgynn McDaniel, LAT, ATC - morgynn.mcdaniel@bluegrassortho.com

Forms and Links
Physical Form Great Crossing
Secondary Insurance Form Great Crossing
Emergency Action Plan Great Crossing
Sports Medicine Handbook Great Crossing
Concussion Parent Packet Great Crossing
Visitors' Letter NATA Position
Statements Korey Stringer
Institute NCAA Mental Health
What the Athletic Trainer
Can Do for You
The athletic trainers at Great Crossing high school perform many different functions, some that you may not know about. Their biggest job is to keep the student-athletes safe and as healthy as they can. They do this through these different areas.
Timely Referral to an Orthopaedic Specialist
The Athletic Trainers, like Ellen, have close relationships with the orthopedics physicians and physician assistants at Bluegrass Orthopaedics. These relationships allow for appointments to be made the day or day after an injury that needs advance imaging or evaluation, saving your family time and money compared to going to an emergency room, and then getting referred to a specialist to receive higher level care.
Injury Prevention
The athletic trainers help student-athletes be in the best state possible condition to compete well while minimizing the risk for injury. This is done by teaching proper body maintenance through hands on manual therapy, stretching, utilizing taping and bracing, as well as educating the athletes on how to properly recover and take care of their bodies.
Injury Evaluation
If an injury does occur, athletic trainers have the skill set to evaluate the injury and make the decision on what is the next best step for that athlete, whether rest, rehabilitation, or a more advanced diagnosis and imaging to discover the severity of the issue.
Injury Rehabilitation
After an injury occurs, student-athletes can spend time doing rehabilitation with the athletic trainers to help them return to their sports not only faster, but with less risk of injury if they did not do any therapy. Here at Great Crossing high school, the rehab focuses on providing exercises and hands on techniques to help the athlete recover. The main objective of our rehabilitation process will focus on returning the athlete to sport both mentally and physically.
Emergency Preparation
In case of emergencies, the athletic trainers are trained to handle these situations. They have the skills and expertise to handle any emergency, while also helping emergency service personnel get to the scene as soon as possible if necessary.