Orthopedic Joint Replacement Specialist in Kentucky
Our Joint Replacement Specialists
Quality of life is the bottom line in deciding whether to have a joint replacement. If your quality of life is deteriorating - if you're giving up things you enjoy - then it may be time for a hip replacement or knee replacement.
Bluegrass Orthopaedics hip and knee specialists can help you regain the freedom to participate in the activities you most enjoy. Our experts have the experience and expertise to treat your hip or knee conditions. They perform thousands of joint procedures each year and use a variety of surgical techniques and technologies to repair your hip or knee.
Consulting with one of our specialists as soon as possible will allow our specialists to offer more treatment options, and give you the ability to make a faster recovery. While our surgeons can usually fix a knee or hip at any point, it is crucial to have surgery before the knee stiffens or hip weakens. Waiting until the point of deterioration or limited moment will likely hinder your recovery after surgery. Surgeons will discuss all options with you, both surgical and nonsurgical. With new technology being introduced, joint implants last longer today!
Physical Therapy
for Recovery
Physical Therapy is a critical part of your recovery. It is done the day of surgery, during the course of your hospital stay, and both at home and our outpatient therapy clinics. Our goal is for patients to be able to walk with a cane and drive a car as soon as the patient is comfortable.