Referring Physician Survey

It is our goal to give your patients the best possible medical care. To do so, it is important that we know your thoughts regarding our ability to meet your needs. We need to know what we are doing right and in what areas we can improve. Your comments will be strictly confidential. Thank you for your help

Referring Physician Survey

Do you currently refer patients to Bluegrass Orthopaedics *

Which physician(s) does this survey apply to? (optional)

What percentage of your orthopedic referrals is made to our practice? *

Have you made any changes in your referrals to our practice in the past year? *

Do you currently refer patients to us for MRI scans? *

Would you like more information about our MRI scan? *

If you currently refer patients to us, please rate our practice in terms of:

Our ability to offer your patients a timely appointment *

Our willingness to see urgent cases in short notice *

The timeliness of communication back to you regarding patients *

Your patient’s comments about our practice *

Our contracted health insurance plans *

The courtesy/responsiveness of our staff *

What is your overall rating of our practice? *